Overnight care For The Elderly

What is overnight care?

Overnight care for the elderly is a common request at Bright Care. We recognize that care is needed not just during the day, but throughout the night as well. Our wide range of services includes overnight in-home care, where a Bright Carer stays in the home overnight to provide assistance and support as needed.

Sleepover care offers reassurance that your loved one will be looked after no matter what happens during the night. It allows them to maintain their independence at home, with the comfort of knowing we are always available.

Our care services are available 365 days a year, and our Care Managers are on hand to address any emergencies through our call-out service.

We offer two options for overnight care: sleepover care and waking night care, with different pricing for each service.

Hourly care brings companionship

We know that isolation and loneliness affect a huge number of older people which is why our regular visits from a consistent carer are so important. Whether it is helping with daily tasks, going on outings or playing games, our Bright Carers bring joy and purpose to our client’s later years. We can help with:

Benefits of hourly care

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Sleepover care

Our sleepover care service involves the Bright Carer being provided with a bed and a quiet place to sleep. They remain on duty throughout the night and are available to assist up to three times if needed. If the carer is expected to be woken more than three times during the night, then our Waking Night care service would be a better fit.

Waking night service

The waking night service is designed for individuals who do not sleep through the night, require constant attention, and cannot be left alone. In this case, a Bright Carer will stay awake throughout the night to monitor, assist, and be there for your loved one. Please note that the waking night service is more costly than the sleepover care service.